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Girls Who Burn

My debut YA thriller GIRLS WHO BURN is out July 16, 2024 from Penguin Teen in the US, and July 18, 2024 from Hachette in the UK and Australia!

Eighteen-year-old Addie Blackwood regrets nothing more than one horrible, mistake-filled night last summer. Hours after she hurled the worst words she could think of at her sister, Fiona was found dead at the bottom of a ravine.

What's New?

It’s New Year’s Resolution time! Here are mine for 2024: Photo by Moritz Knöringer on...


I’ll go ahead and say it: 2023 was a pretty good year for...


2023 was a GOOD reading...


Girls Who Burn is a stunning examination of toxic privilege, with beautiful prose, rich character development, and red herrings that’ll keep you guessing till the end! A masterful debut.”

Diana Urban, author of Lying in the Deep and Under the Surface