
3 Ways To Find Critique Partners


Critique partners: do you need them?

That was a rhetorical question. Yes, yes you do. 

Once upon a time, I thought all I needed were my family and friends to read my book and give me feedback.

I was wrong. Here’s why:

A) They’re your family and friends. Even if they say they won’t, they WILL sugarcoat what’s wrong with your novel and/or only focus on the good things. Which is a great ego-booster. Not so great at making your novel the best it can be.

B) There really is nothing like getting feedback from another writer. They spot things readers simply don’t, and can also give you advice on how to fix it. Win-win.

So, other-writer critique partners. It works like this: you exchange manuscripts, either chapter-by-chapter or in one fell swoop. Then you get together, either in person or virtually, and exchange feedback. Depending on your agreement with them, you might revise and send back. Ideally it’s a long-term relationship that’s mutually beneficial.

So how do you go about finding these wonderful people?

1. Twitter I found my first-ever stranger critique partners by doing a simple Twitter search of “YA critique partner”. Another way to do this is to look for critique partner matches agents and bloggers sometimes hold on Twitter, but if you don’t feel like waiting for one to come around, a simple search will do.

2. Writing classes I found the really great writing group I was a part of for years through taking classes at Gotham. I enjoyed the class itself, but it was pricey, and really the best part of it was connecting with likeminded people. A guy in my class felt the same way, so we decided to continue meeting after the class ended. And that guy had a friend who he met through another class, then that guy had another writer friend, and lo and behold, a writing group was born.

In-person writing groups are awesome because A) you can meet over beer and B) it’s just nice to get away from your screen and talk about your heart’s passion in real life.

Caveat: In-person writing groups require commitment. We had about ten other people over the years who expressed interest in joining and then would never show up. Don’t be those people.

Second caveat: I’ve found four or six people to be the magic number with writing groups. Three is too few, plus even numbers are bad because if there’s conflicting feedback, it’s hard to figure out whose to go with. And any more you can get an overwhelming amount of feedback (plus the group takes way too long to get through everyone’s work.)

3. Join a local writers’ chapter After thinking about it for a year, I finally bit the bullet and joined SCBWI (The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators). Since I write YA and they have a super-active NYC chapter, this made a lot of sense for me. I initially balked at the membership fee, but with membership you get discounts at events, access to other writers, and so much more. I found both a new critique group (my old one disbanded when half of it moved away) and a new critique partner via their message boards. That alone makes it worth the money to me.

That’s what I got. Have you ever found a critique partner anywhere else? Let me know!

Photo by Matias North on Unsplash

0 responses to “3 Ways To Find Critique Partners”

  1. Sue Ranscht says:

    I have a writing partner. His greatest strength is his eye for authenticity or when something I’ve written is too “authory” or not honest enough. I do the same for him, and handle all the editing and re-writes (for his review) so there is a consistent voice. We’ve completed the first book of a YA Scifi trilogy, and had two rounds of beta readers for a total of 11 readers (2 read it twice, once before and once after the edit/re-write an agent requested prior to re-submission. I’m working on the “final” edit before we send it off. With no guarantees, we have a list of agents we think would be good matches, and we’re prepared to keep moving forward for as long as it takes. I’m not sure how I would have handled the process differently if I’d written alone, but I’m working on a few other projects of my own, so I guess I’ll figure it out. 🙂

    • Oh wow, I’ve never actually written a novel or anything with someone before. I imagine that would come with its own set of challenges and rewards. Good luck!

      • Sue Ranscht says:

        Thanks! Indeed there have been a few challenges, but nothing that hasn’t strengthened both our commitment to the writing and our 20 year friendship. Good luck to you, too!

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