
Friday Things


Where is this and can I live here?

I have been horribly stressed this week. I won’t bore you with the details, but here is how I combat no-good-very-bad weeks:

1. Remind myself of the things I have: health (so important!), money, a job, an apartment, books, people who love me. Rinse and repeat.

2. Exercise. Make time for it. I always, always feel better after yoga.

3. Do something I love. I was having trouble with the writing, and struggling through the book I was currently reading, so I reread a favorite book and then tapped back into some nostalgia inducing music and some guilty-pleasure TV. More on that below:

Reading:finally finished this. Kerouac writes some beautiful sentences, but man was that run-on sentence of a book hard to get through. Perhaps I should have started with the actual edited version. Anyway, I have mixed feelings; I love the idea of the road, the randomness and freedom and spontaneity of it all, but some of Kerouac’s traveling companions were not very good people. I’ll write a full review at some point.

Watching: I just noticed that my favorite guilty-pleasure TV show of all time has posted new seasons on Hulu, and I’m ecstatic, but I’m so ashamed that I like this show I’m not even going to tell you what it is. Instead I’ll tell you I’m planning on watching the On The Road movie tonight and am hoping it’s easier to get through than the book.

Listening to: Whenever I’m frustrated with something, it makes me feel all angsty and eighteen again. During a particularly challenging day at work, I put on a Pandora station of all my favorite music I loved at eighteen: Jimmy Eat World, The Ataris, A New Found Glory. And it’s AWESOME.

Have a lovely weekend!

Photo by Monica Toner on Unsplash

Posted on Friday, 29 May 2015

Filed under Blog, Life

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2 responses to “Friday Things”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    You know I won’t be able to sleep at night until you tell me what your guilty pleasure TV show is. I’m just like that – I believe the word is nosy.

    I had a very hard week as well; thanks for these reminders 🙂

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