
Wanderlusty Wednesday: It’s a Thing

13852803064_905100ca78_kThe lovely Kaitlin asked me last week if I’d mind if she also started posting “Wanderlusty Wednesday” posts, and of course I said, feel free! She has a great post about Barcelona which you should all go and read. In solidarity, I will also post my own photo of one of my favorite cities. For more info on it, read her post!

Photo taken by me, Barcelona, June 2011

Posted on Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Filed under Blog, Traveling

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One response to “Wanderlusty Wednesday: It’s a Thing”

  1. kthrog says:

    That’s a gorgeous shot of the Barcelona shore. Oh my, how I would love to be back there right now! And thanks for the link-over! I’m excited to finally do a real feature on my site, I’ve been thinking something along these lines for a while — thank you so much for the inspiration!

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