
Wanderlusty Wednesday: Patagonia


Have you been there? I’ll write a full post about it someday, because it was just an amazing experience, but for now I’ll leave you with this lovely photo that was taken just outside our hotel, on the edge of a lake in the middle of absolutely nowhere. What I wouldn’t give some days to live in the middle of nowhere…

Posted on Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Filed under Blog, Traveling

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3 responses to “Wanderlusty Wednesday: Patagonia”

  1. oosorio456 says:

    A wonderful view,looks like you’re having a great vacation

  2. kthrog says:

    Patagonia is very high on my list, probably top 5. I’m sure I’ll make it there soon — that picture definitely confirms I want to go!

  3. PaigeBrown says:

    I’m dying to visit Patagonia. Ever since seeing 180 South I’ve wanted to visit! Thanks for sharing your stunning photo!

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