
Friday Things


Happy Friday!

It’s been a crazy week for me, in the way I really think that weeks in July should not be. But here are three things (in addition to the image above) that helped get me through it:

1. A list of common mistakes on a novel’s first page (i.e. What Not To Do). Super helpful.

2. This website fills me with crippling longing, and makes me ask myself all these questions again.

3. When Buzzfeed lists make you cry.

Reading: Against my better judgment, I’m reading this. I’m not a horror fan. But I am a Stephen King fan. I know those sentences don’t make sense together. But he’s a fantastic writer with a lot to teach, and reading him always makes my prose stronger. Plus, his stories suck you in like no other. I’m 50 pages in and terrified, but also excited.

Watching: I really only watch TV while cooking these days, so I needed something I could watch while multitasking. People always say great things about Friday Night Lights, but I’m a couple of episodes in and it’s just not grabbing me. Does it get better? Or is this just going to be one of those things where I don’t understand the hype?

Listening to: Jose Gonzalez. This song is particularly lovely.

Amazing image found on this Tumblr

3 responses to “Friday Things”

  1. kthrog says:

    Those kitties!!! <3 And I'm going to leave my thoughts on your To Be Happy post there…so good.

  2. […] still reading the same thing I was reading last week because it’s 1000+ pages and I unfortunately don’t have unlimited amounts of free […]

  3. […] actually had the TV/iPad on this week as I cook, clean, etc. I’ve decided to give this show another try, and I have to say, it’s sucking me in now. I will keep […]

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