
The Good Things: May



Amongst a stressful month (does anyone else have nightly dreams about showing up to their own wedding only to realize they forgot to plan it? No? Just me?) I still found time to appreciate some good things in my life. And they are:

A Good Bookish Thing I read two 9-star books: this one, and also Bone Gap, by Laura Ruby, which I hope to review next week. Stay tuned.

A Good Entertainment-ish Thing  I became conflicted by and enamored with this show, and have since moved on to the much-discussed teen drama Riverdale. It has its highs and lows; time will tell if this is something I’ll finish watching.

A Good Writerly Thing I figured out how to fix Swim … I think. Also, while having writer’s block with that manuscript, I went back and reoutlined and rewrote the beginning of The Chateau Story, and dare I say, this may be the structure and voice that work stick.

A Good Seasonal Thing Sitting outside on my deck in the sun. I just need to remember the sunscreen next time.

A Good Habit-Shifting Thing Keeping track of all the overtime hours I work so I can make sure to make them up during the day by working on something other than work at work. (Did you follow that?)

A Good Delicious Thing I’m on a galette kick. I turned this recipe into a galette, then I also made this one (word to the wise; skip the salt in the potatoes step, it’s already salty enough.)

A Good Random Thing This Instagram account makes me laugh.

A Good Thing to Look Forward To Summer. The beach. Sitting on a blanket with a book and not moving for hours. I can’t wait.

Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash

Posted on Friday, 2 June 2017

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