
Friday Things


It’s nothing, sir, so long as there’s health and a clear conscience.

This quote, from Anna Karenina, is the attitude we should all have about our “problems”.

This week’s been filled with highs and lows. We signed a lease for our new apartment, which is so exciting! But are finding ourselves unexpectedly bittersweet about leaving Brooklyn, which we’ve called home for seven or more years. We’re also stressing out about finding someone to take over our lease (if you know anyone who wants a beautiful, light-filled Brooklyn Heights one-bedroom, please let me know!)

And then my own problems were put into sharp perspective when I received bad news about a friend. If you’re the praying type, please send prayers. If you’re not, please send good thoughts. Thanks.

Three things from this week you may find interesting:

1. This personality test is so spot-on it’s frightening. It’s like it knows me! (I’m an INFP. What are you?)

2. This chart of how many books writers have written before publishing is so important. People love to spout off about success stories, but rarely do we hear about the failures that brought them there.

3. Because laughing is good for you.

I’m not going to do a reading/watching/listening to, because I’m still reading the same thing as last week (it’s over 1000 pages!), I’m watching nothing because I’ve been too busy, and I’m listening to more angry punk music because it makes me feel better.

Photo by Lili Popper on Unsplash

Posted on Friday, 14 August 2015

Filed under Blog, Life

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3 responses to “Friday Things”

  1. rebbit7 says:

    Congrats on the lease! Will you be moving far away, or staying close by?

    I’ve also taken that personality test before, and I actually wrote about my results in a previous post; feel free to check it out here:

    • Thanks! Read your post, we’re near opposites, except for the introvert thing 🙂 We’re moving to Jersey City, the new “up-and-coming” neighborhood, or so I’m told … WAY more space than Brooklyn (plus a parking spot and a DECK) so I’m very excited 🙂

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