
Friday Things


Four of the greatest words in the English language: this too shall pass.

I’m hoping for a less stressful weekend than the week I had, in which hopefully some dangling issues regarding our impending move will be resolved. Regardless I’m going to try and stay positive and remind myself that some things are just out of my control.

Here are three things that made my week:

1. This road trip to Maine sounds lovely and amazing and it’s now on my list of places to go.

2. Test your vocab. (I didn’t do as well as I thought I would.)

3. This Tumblr is making me laugh, and laughter is something we could all use more of.

Reading: Still this. But not at night. At night I embarked on a reread of this lovely novel, and actually decided to up my rating from four stars to five. I was confused as to why I only gave it four stars to begin with, then I remembered I read it directly after this amazing book, so I must have been comparing. Note to self: comparisons are no good.

Watching: The movie version of this book, which I adored, is now on Netflix. I plan to watch it tonight while cooking dinner.

Listening to: Gaslight Anthem, particularly this song.

Photo by Katie Drazdauskaite on Unsplash

One response to “Friday Things”

  1. kthrog says:

    My vocab score wasn’t as high as I hoped for, either. Oh, well. And Maine is near the top of need-to-visit list!

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