
2018 Resolutions: How Did You Do?


And how did I do?

… pretty well, if I do say so myself!

I accomplished some of the goals I set for myself a year ago, though not all. But I also accomplished some things I never had on that list to begin with, so I’m not beating myself up for what I didn’t do.

So here’s how I’m doing since my mid-year check in

Goals I have accomplished:

  • Get to bed earlier
  • Stay involved in politics
  • Start looking at properties to buy
  • Adopt a cat or two
  • Maintain community of excellent humans
  • Eat more good foods
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Don’t pour energy into work in off time
  • Pray with intention
  • Take better care of skin
  • Be more philanthropic
  • Learn to use my Instapot
  • Do things I’m afraid of
  • Speak and act with more confidence
  • Be brave
  • Rewrite the faulty parts of my second contemporary (Swim) and submit them to my mentor
  • Switch to all-natural beauty
  • Stop calling myself a late bloomer
  • Get new desk chair
  • Go somewhere I’ve never been before. We went to Maine, which isn’t Asia, but was still nice
  • Create a budget and stick to it
  • Ready myself for major life changes. I like to think I was as ready as I could be!

Goals I didn’t set at the beginning of the year but nonetheless accomplished:

  • Survived pregnancy
  • Birthed a child
  • Kept said child alive for 30 days so far
  • Figured out how my breast pump works
  • Did an exciting literary thing I can’t post about yet 🙂

Goals I almost accomplished:

  • Finish rewriting my first manuscript. I did this once, am now doing it again, and am very close to finishing, but don’t foresee myself finishing today
  • Write 10 hours every week. I am 34 hours short of my yearly goal of 520 hours. Not bad!
  • Write book reviews. I’ve been doing a good job of getting them up on Goodreads and Litsy. I need to cross-post to Amazon still
  • Get administrative tasks done. I did a pretty good job with this this year, though was not perfect. To work on!
  • Drink water. Ditto!
  • Seek out new music. I found some new stuff but not much…

Goals to work on next year:

  • Do yoga 3 times per week. It happened in the earlier trimesters, not so much in the later ones
  • Do cardio twice a week. See above
  • Don’t mindlessly scroll through phone. To work on more!
  • Be less wasteful. I want a reusable coffee cup and I want to forgo plasticware entirely
  • Evolve personal style. Must lose weight first, then will work on culling my closet and buying clothes more mindfully
  • Blog more. I did terribly this past year!
  • Read 52 books. Same!
  • Draft something new. I started several things, and did not get far on any
  • Stop worrying. I am who I am
  • Watch my posture. Need to work on more
  • Get things framed. Nope, didn’t do
  • Print photos. Nope
  • Whiten teeth. I was pregnant so didn’t really want chemicals in my mouth, so I excuse myself for this one
  • Journal more. I didn’t do this and I need to
  • Therapy. Hardly went at all
  • Do something new and local every month. No time!
  • Go back to France. No time…
  • Go to Seattle. No time…
  • Visit niece in North Carolina. No time…
  • Compost. To be postponed until I have a house
  • Pitch freelance work. No time… I’m not sure this is a thing I’ll do unless I find my commute entirely unbearable. I’d rather focus on novel-writing in the every-shrinking spare time I will have
  •  Host dinner parties. To be postponed until we have a house
  • Plan more outdoor activities. Maybe my baby will incentivize me to do this?

I’m going to do a separate post on my 2019 (!) goals, to come shortly!

Did you have goals? Did you meet them? Are you disappointed or happy with yourself? I believe in being flexible when it comes to these things, but let me know what you think!

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash


Posted on Monday, 31 December 2018

Filed under Blog, Life

2 responses to “2018 Resolutions: How Did You Do?”

  1. […] I came close to meeting my writing goals last year in terms of time spent writing, I didn’t reach my goal of drafting something brand […]

  2. […] I did last year, I decided to take a look back at my resolutions and see how I did. Not to lament the goals I […]

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