
Friday Things


Another week, another summer, comes to a close.

I feel like the older I get, the more time speeds up. I can’t believe it’s been fourteen years since I was a freshman in college, huddled around my roommate’s TV with a bunch of people I’d just met, watching those towers fall. Here’s to hoping that humanity is slowly but surely moving towards a place where we can stop thinking of any group of people as “the enemy” and just acknowledge one another for what we all are: beautifully flawed human beings.

On that note:

1. I basically assumed everyone was already following HONY, but then I met someone the other day who’d never heard of this wonderful site. If you haven’t already, go through and read these people’s stories; and better yet, read the comments on Facebook. It’s the only comment section on the internet that doesn’t make you want to throw away your computer and go live alone in the woods.

2. American behaviors that can be considered rude in other countries.

3.  Comics that describe what it’s like to live in New York. Though I’ve recently abandoned NYC for the larger spaces and cheaper rents of Jersey City, I will never forget the nearly 8 years I called this city home. And since I work here, it still kind of is.

Reading: SO CLOSE to finishing this, and it’s gotten supremely bizarre in its later chapters. At the same time, I also started reading this, and it’s fascinating so far.

Watching: The same thing as last week. Currently in the Pylea episodes, which I love 🙂

Listening tothis, of course.

Image taken by my iPhone 3 9/11/2011

Posted on Friday, 11 September 2015

Filed under Blog, Life

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