
In The Spirit of “Why Not” Travel…


I got an email last week from my friend saying they were heading to Grenada for her husband’s birthday in a month. And would we like to come?

My boyfriend and I looked at each other. We just got back from vacation, our bank accounts are slightly depleted from that trip + Christmas, we’re insanely busy this month, we know nothing about Grenada, and this is kind of last minute. So many reasons not to go.

But on the other hand… when’s the next time someone’s going to invite us to go to Grenada?

So I tapped into my go-to travel philosophy et voilà, two tickets to Grenada booked!

Anyone been there? Have any recommendations? I haven’t started doing research yet since this JUST happened, so all I know is it’s a beautiful island in the Caribbean. But that’s good enough for me!

P.S. Ever since we decide to go, I’ve had this song stuck in my head. “Is it Grenada I see, or only Asbury Park?” Did anyone else spend their childhood listening to Frank Sinatra in their half-Italian household? No? Just me? Okay then.

Amazing image found here

Posted on Wednesday, 13 January 2016

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3 responses to “In The Spirit of “Why Not” Travel…”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    You know what – do it because you can. Once marriage /kids/mortgages come to play it’s not that easy any longer.. not financially and not logistically.


  2. […] I wrote a little while ago about how our friends randomly invited us to go to Grenada on short notice, and in the spirit of “why not?” travel, we said yes. Flights booked, […]

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