
Friday Things


Hello Friday, it’s wonderful to see you.

It’s been a week. I ultimately decided to cancel my upcoming trip to Grenada, which sucks, but we’re trying to plan something else to make up for it. My cat may be ill. I’m behind on my writing. I’m trying not to let my day job suck out my soul. Hoping this weekend will be a good time to reboot and go into next week feeling a bit more together.

Here are some interesting things I’ve found on the internets lately:

1. Famous authors had day jobs, too.

2. To me it never went away, but I loved reading about the resurgence of the greatest TV show ever.

3. Not sure I agree with the accuracy of all of these, but this was interesting.

4. This is just awesome.

5. And this is incredibly useful.

Reading: The sequel to this. It’s so good I was happy when the subway got stuck this morning because it gave me extra reading time.

Watching: This. It’s definitely not the most brilliant TV of our time, but I loved the books and am really enjoying it. (This made me laugh so hard.)

Writing: Still on my YA fantasy. Last week I made a major shift to the inciting incident–I made things much worse for my protagonist–so I’m quickly reworking some of the opening scenes before moving onto to new stuff. It’s a definite improvement. I just need a Time-Turner so I have more time to work on it.

Listening to: These guys

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Posted on Friday, 29 January 2016

Filed under Blog, Life

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2 responses to “Friday Things”

  1. Did you take that picture?!? I love the simplicity, style, realness of it. I did read the post and all, but am still stuck on loving the picture.

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