
Friday Things


Happy Friday!

First off: I made a huge change in my life this week. I got a new job (!!!) Then I quit my job at the only company I’ve ever worked for. I’m elated and terrified and sad and happy. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, and all of that.

All this life-shifting has left very little time for writing, which is the one downside. But things will settle back down eventually, as they tend to do, and I hope to be back on track with my WIP shortly. Bonus: I will no longer be frantically updating my resume and applying to jobs, so that should free up some precious time!

Here, some other things that made my week:

1. Have I mentioned I joined SCBWI  (The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators)? I did, and in just a few short weeks I’ve found an amazing critique group. Good critique groups/partners are worth their weight in gold, and I’m so grateful for the insightful feedback these women have already given me. PSA: If you’re a writer with a finished draft that needs looking at, find a good critique group, stat.

2. This list of untranslatable words is just lovely.

3. A list of the best travel apps to have when abroad (not that I’ll be traveling anytime soon! 🙁 )

4. 10 ways you’re making your life harder than it has to be. I definitely do some of these, especially the first one. Note to self: stop.

Reading: I finished this, which was amazing, and am now about halfway through this, which is also amazing in an entirely different way.

Writing: I started some polishing on my second novel–“YA Jersey Shore Contemporary”–after my critique group. I forgot how much I liked this book 🙂 I also just dove back into the YA fantasy and am currently in the middle of the First Turning Point, which is exciting. Need. More. Time. To. Write.

Watching: This awesome book has been turned into a Hulu miniseries. I watched the first episode last night, and it was great. Watch it! (But read the book first!)

Listening to: More of these guys.

Cooking: This is perfect for wintertime. Simple, easy, healthy, and perfect with fresh bread. What more could you want?

Image of a chessboard, just because, found here

Posted on Friday, 19 February 2016

Filed under Blog, Life

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