
Things Making Me Think


Happy Friday!

How was your week? I had a good one comprised of Monday cocktails, solo dinners, and visiting old colleagues and realizing I definitely made the right choice in leaving my old job and taking this new one. And not just because I now get ice cream at work.

I decided to change the name of this series to “things making me think” because thinking is (usually) a good thing.

Here are those things:

at my new job, I get to write a blog. the first post I wrote, and first interview I’ve ever done, is up!

if you’re having a bad day

screw you guys, they’re not ugly

a successful query

this is important! and not just to grammar nerds like myself!

these are so cool, and giving me all kinds of novel setting ideas

this just made laugh

Reading: About 3/4 of the way through this, and while I’m still engrossed in this world, I don’t know if this installment is going to be my fave of the three. It’s wayyyy slower.

Writing: I abandoned my YA fantasy in favor of my previously abandoned YA contemporary about kids on a stage crew. It’s going along, mostly, though I’m realizing there are a lot of things I don’t remember in enough detail about my days on stage crew. I may need to try and talk to someone who does it currently. We shall see.

Watching: Started watching this, for work-related purposes. Not totally hooked yet–I feel like it’s Mad Men ten years later with more nudity and less clever writing–but I’m only one episode in.

Listening to: Got nostalgic and started listening to the Billy Joel Pandora station. It’s good when you’re in that mood.

Cooking: These are amazing. They don’t stay together very well, but you’re eating them, not photographing them, so who cares?

Have a wonderful weekend!

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

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