
Things Making Me Think


Hi Friday, and more importantly, hi warm weather + weekend with absolutely no plans! I’m looking forward to getting some writing done on my deck. How about you?

Here are some things making me think this week:


“That’s exactly what the terrorists want, so absolutely not.” Preach.

Agree with most of these, though I’d also add these.

A fear I have from time to time.

How to be a writer.

And  this this thisI need to read this every day.

Reading This is so lovely, but I’m unprepared for whatever emotional punch is coming at the end.

Writing “Play story.” I’m stuck at a boring part. Which probably means I should skip it as I’ll end up cutting it, but having trouble figuring out what comes next, so I suspect I’ll power through. And then end up cutting it anyway in revisions.

Watching I needed a break from alien abductions, so I started this up on Netflix. It’s not the most brilliant show of its time, but it is kind of the perfect have-on-while-cooking-and-cleaning series. And there are six seasons to get through!

Listening to Purple Rain 🙁

Cooking I love making (vegetarian) tacos. When we moved last summer, we gave up living near a good grocery store, so I was having trouble finding good tortillas. Lo and behold, we discovered this is actually an extremely simple DIY. 1 cup flour (white or corn), 1/4 cup water,  2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for frying, will yield you four amazingly imperfect tortillas in less than 15 minutes. With no random unpronounceable ingredients. DIY FTW.

Have a great weekend!

Photo by Firdaus Roslan on Unsplash

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