
Things Making Me Think


Happy Friday!

This week was not great for me, but it’s over now (the work-week part, anyways). I have very little in the way of plans this weekend, which makes me quite happy.

Taking a slightly different approach to this post this week. Let’s see if people (including me) like it.

Something I’ve learned (about writing).

Something I’ve learned (about travel).

Something making me think.

Something I’m thankful for: The smell in Jersey right before it’s about to rain is the same in the city as it is in the suburbs.

Something that made me laugh. Hard.

Something that was clearly written just for me. (Fun fact: I have that jewelry holder.)

Something I’ve learned: When you’re frustrated about something, don’t stew silently. Tell the person. (Politely.) For people who abhor confrontation, such as me, this can be daunting, but for the most part it’s a preemptive strike against an inevitably larger confrontation down the road.

And could this be my new favorite social media platform?!? If you sign up, be my friend! (I’m wanderlustywriter. Obviously.)

Reading: This is finally picking up! As I suspected it would, it’s sucked me in, and I’m on board for the rest of the series.

Writing: Play story forges on and my only problem at the moment is finding time to work on it.

Watching: Still on the same thing as last week and still can’t look away despite the insanity.

Listening to: This guy. He’s good.

Cooking: Messy but delicious.

How was your week? Better than mine, I hope!

Image found here

2 responses to “Things Making Me Think”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    Why was your week not a good one? Share please!

    PS I liked the old way better (re: blogging) half the sites are blocked this way (at the office) and when I’m done with one site I forget that what I was reading on your blog.

    • Trying to organize a group housing situation with friends of friends. It went awry. I’ll spare you the details 🙂

      And thanks for your feedback! I do think I should return to a more regular writing blog. I just find these great links everywhere and feel compelled to share. Perhaps I’ll do so exclusively on Twitter going forward.

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