
Writing Tip: On Goal-Setting


Some people say that in order to become a writer, you must write every day.

I am not one of those people.

I’ve already written about the benefits of not taking every bit of writing advice offered and simply doing what works for you, so I won’t rehash all that now. But I do want to share one technique that’s worked really well for me.

Namely: set weekly goals.

I have never done well with daily goals. As someone who is not a natural planner, even my best-laid plans (which are not super well-laid, to be honest) can get sidetracked. I’ll decide to spend the evening writing, giving myself a goal of 1000 words, and then a friend I haven’t seen in a long time will unexpectedly arrive in town. Or I will have had such a long day at work all I want to do is fall into the bath. Or I WILL write, but decide to change the direction my story is taking and end up deleting 1000 words instead.

Those nights happen. I used to beat myself up over them. But then I decided on a new tactic: to make these goals weekly rather than daily.

It’s easy to have a bad day. To get off track, to get busy, to get distracted. But if you have six other days in the week, it makes it easy to make up for that bad day. Missed your 1000 words today? Do 2000 tomorrow. Or if there’s no time, do 1200 for the next five days. Or if you have a particularly busy/terrible work week, squeeze all 7000 words into your weekend. It’s kind of brutal, but I’ve done it.

I apply this not to just writing. I have life to do lists, and I make them weekly rather than daily now. I have exercise goals–also a weekly thing.

I mean, don’t leave every little thing to Sunday afternoon (my weeks end on Sunday; they feel like endings, while Mondays feel like beginnings), because you won’t get everything done in one day, plus that won’t make for a very pleasant Sunday. (Also: I firmly believe that pleasant Sundays lead to better Mondays.) But giving myself flexibility in my schedule–giving myself a break–has done wonders for me.

How about you? Do you have daily goals or weekly ones?

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Posted on Monday, 27 June 2016

Filed under Blog, Writing

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0 responses to “Writing Tip: On Goal-Setting”

  1. traceyr1984 says:

    I am a weekly person. I write my tasks down in my bullet journal with a little square to check off when done. I also like leaving it a bit open so you can do a task you are more in the mood for one day over another.

  2. S.E.May says:

    Weekly for me. If I can see what I need to get done on a weekly spread I don’t feel so stressed.

  3. I write whenever I feel like I have something worth writing about!

  4. […] Set a weekly goal I’ve written on how important I’ve found it to have weekly, not daily goals. While my day job keeps me on a regular schedule, the rest of my life does not; on any given night […]

  5. I am a weekly person as well. I feel I accomplish much more than I would writing daily. Like you, I do have goals set for each week, but the flexibility allows time for life to happen without stressing me out. Therefore, I produce much better work. 🙂

  6. […] to get enough protein). I liked it because it tracks things weekly instead of daily (same way I track my writing!) so if you mess up one day, you can make it up the next without […]

  7. […] now, when drafting, instead of giving myself word count goals, I give myself hour goals (that are weekly, not daily). And I like this so much […]

  8. […] the first time in life, I’m actually sticking to my weekly writing goals. […]

  9. […] I’ve managed to hit my weekly writing goals every single week since January […]

  10. […] I’ve written about this before, too, and it’s more important than ever with a baby, because some days are just entirely taken up by your baby, and that’s okay. The sun’ll come out tomorrow (or the next day). […]

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