
Friday Things


Happy Friday!

1. I’ve already posted about the deliciousness that is sage tea, but I’ve now found something that makes it even better: raw honey! If you haven’t tried it, you should: it’s healthier and more delicious than regular honey. (Downside: it’s a lot pricier!)

2. I made this soup last night and it’s AMAZING. In general, I’m always blown away by Angela’s recipes, she’s become my go-to food blogger. Check her out if you haven’t already (even if you’re not vegan–I’m not, and I love her food.)

3. I am about one chapter away from finishing The Mortal Instruments series, but I haven’t read all the accompanying series, like the Clockwork ones or the Magnus Bane Chronicles. I think I may need a break before diving into those. But I have so many questions and things I want to discuss about the first series, yet I’m afraid of googling for fear of spoiling the others. Does anyone else want to start a Mortal Instruments discussion group that covers just the first series?? Is there one I can join?

Have a wonderful weekend (and if you’re on the east coast, stay warm!)

Image found here

Posted on Friday, 9 January 2015

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