
The Good Things (September, Part 1)


It’s Friday, which means it’s time to talk about all the good things!

A Good Bookish Thing:

I’m reading Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and IT’S SO GOODI’d held off on this one despite the hype, I think because even though I really liked her Grisha trilogy, they were mostly four-star reads for me, and I’m really in the mood for a five-star read after a string of fours. But similar to Cassandra Clare, I’m finding Bardugo’s second foray into the world she created superior to her first. Bonus: the sequel comes out in a mere three weeks’ time, so I don’t have a super long wait. Pre-ordered!


A Good Entertainment-ish Thing

I  jumped on the Stranger Things bandwagon late, and YES, it’s worth the hype. On episode five at the moment, so no spoilers please!

A Good Writerly Thing

I entered #PitchWars this year for the first time ever (in which unpublished writers compete to team up with published writers to help refine their manuscripts)–and didn’t get in. I was disappointed at first, to be sure, but the emails I’ve gotten from the writers I applied to have been so kind and heaped with praise for the manuscript I submitted (not to mention supremely useful constructive criticism), so I kind of feel like I won anyway.

A Good Seasonal Thing

The ocean has been perfect lately. Not too hot, not too cold, just enough waves. The Goldilocks of oceans. Go jump in. (Maybe that’s too much of a blanket statement. If you are in New Jersey, go jump in.)

A Good Habit-Shifting Thing

Morning exercise I hate waking up to an alarm; I prefer to sleep until my body’s ready to wake up. So I won’t set one for myself to wake up early and exercise. BUT I’ve found that if I make myself get to bed at an earlier hour, I will naturally wake up about half an hour earlier than usual, which leaves time for either yoga or the gym before work. And I love starting my day with a little sweat. Do this more.

A Good Delicious Thing

It’s fig season. ‘Nuff said. (Actually, I can say more: make this pizza. You won’t regret it.)

A Good Random Thing

The lingering smell of campfire in my clothes. I’m not washing them yet.

A Good Thing to Look Forward To

We’re currently planning our trip for the year (only one trip this year due to my switching jobs and cutting my vacation days in half 🙁 but it was worth it to have a job I actually like) which is shaping up to be a Pacific Northwest Road Trip. We have never been there, so suggestions are welcome and encouraged, please!

Lovely image found here

Posted on Friday, 2 September 2016

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3 responses to “The Good Things (September, Part 1)”

  1. sargondorsai says:

    Make sure you take some time to explore along the Columbia Gorge. Stop by the myriad of waterfalls along the way. Then travel up the coastline on Highway 101. So many wonderful sights.

    I’m afraid the water here isn’t nearly as nice as it is in New Jersey though.

  2. Yes to Fig season! And I wouldn’t want to wash the campfire smell from my clothes either 🙂

    – Sophie

  3. Niken says:

    Reading your list makes me smile 🙂
    and i do need a book recommendation.

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