
Friday Things


Happy Friday!

It’s been a long, frigid week filled with high highs and low lows. We’re in the doldrums of the year: short, cold days, no (real) holidays to look forward to, nothing to break up the monotony of the season. The older I get though, the more I’m learning to appreciate this time of year; less to do = more time to read and write and generally improve areas of life that need improving.

Here are three things I’ve learned this week:

1. If you are obsessed with a certain sports team, and that team wins the Superbowl for the first time since you were in college, it’s way more fun to celebrate with people who care, rather than be the only one jumping up and down on the couch yelling like a maniac true fan. Brooklyn needs more Massholes.

2. I’m all about using shortcuts in life so I can spend more time writing. Poach It is a site where you can flag things you want to buy, and then they send you an email as soon as it goes on sale, so you don’t waste precious time scouring the internet for deals. It’s the only way I shop now.

3. I’ve been feeling like I suck lately. Not at life, but at writing. It’s a sucky feeling. This quote by Ira Glass always helps those times I’m feeling like I’ll never get where I want to be.

KMBA-Ira Glass Quote

Have a great weekend!

Photo by Patrick Lalonde on Unsplash

Posted on Friday, 6 February 2015

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