24 Goals for 2024

It’s New Year’s Resolution time! Here are mine for 2024: Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

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2023 Resolutions: A Year in Review

I’ll go ahead and say it: 2023 was a pretty good year for me.

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My Year in Reading

2023 was a GOOD reading year.

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Dear Teenage Me

I’ve gotten to the “write your acknowledgments” part of my Debut Author checklist. And …

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GIRLS WHO BURN Cover Reveal!

The COVER to my debut YA Thriller, Girls Who Burn, coming August 6, 2024 from Penguin Teen, is finally HERE! Counting down from 3… 2… 1… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Isn’t she BEAUTIFUL?!?!? A bit more about my book: The summer before her senior year, Addie hurled the worst words she could think of at her sister—and hours […]

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What It’s Like to Traditionally Publish a Book (Part 1)

Thoughts on the publishing process, 1 year out Last year I announced that I had finally, finally sold a book! So I thought I’d do a quick post documenting how it’s been going so far…

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On Finding Your Pumping Room

This isn’t a story so much about motherhood as it is a story about life…

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23 Resolutions for 2023

It’s that time again! Where I make goals, not necessarily in order to accomplish them all, but to try. Here’s my list for this year: So those are mine! What are yours? Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

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2022 Resolutions: A (Partial) Success Story

It’s time for my favorite end of the year activity…

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On Shelving Books

And no, I’m not talking about organizing by color …

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