“Why Don’t You Post More Pictures of Yourself?”

I got asked this question the other day, and it made me think…

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The Good Things, March

Oh hey, it’s been a month. Has it been like that for you, too?

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Writers: How Do You Track Your Progress?

After years of trying out several different ways to track my writing progress, I think I’ve finally found the one that works best for me…

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What Makes A Book Young Adult?

This may be an obvious question for some of you, but…

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How I Lost Weight And Stayed Healthy (And Sane)

Little break in the writing and reading content today to talk about a small improvement I’ve made in my life that I wanted to share…

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Reserve Your Passion

I wanted to share a brief life lesson today…

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How Do You Choose What Books To Read Next?

What’s your process for choosing the new books you’re going to read?

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When Do You Write (When You Get Really Busy)?

I’m having some problems…

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MK’s Book Reviews: Replica

Do you need a new book?

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How To Edit Your Novel (In Sixteen Steps)

The best way to learn how to do something properly is to do it wrong dozens of times until you figure it out … right?

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