My Top Things To Do in Ireland

I went to Ireland a couple of weeks ago…

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Writers: Try Anyway

I wanted to share one important lesson I’ve learned in both writing and in life, today on this mostĀ important of days…

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The Good Things (October, Part II)

Happy Friday. It’s been a week of lots of writing and too little sleep. It’s also been a week of slight panic at how “old” I am and how I haven’t accomplished someĀ things (namely, marriage, children, and careers as authors) that others my age have…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Trespasser

I read Tana French’s latest novel and…

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To NaNo or Not To NaNo: That Is The Question

November is coming. For some people, that means Thanksgiving and holiday shopping (if you’re a non-procrastinator, which I definitely am not.) For writers, it means something else….

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The Good Things (October Part I)

The week back from vacation can be rough..

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The 7 Lessons I Learned in Ireland

Hello, I’m back!

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An October Reading List

Tis the season for scary books!

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The Good Things (September, Part V)

Oh hi, Friday, aren’t you a welcome sight for weary eyes.

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How To Choose the Books to Bring With You on Vacation

As promised, I want to combine two of my favorite things and talk about how I decide which books to bring with me when I travel…

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