On Choice

When I was in high school, I went through a new-age phase. I have no hard stats on this, but I think that may have happened to a good percentage of confused Catholic-raised adolescents in the ’90s who saw The Craft or walked past a Hot Topic and thought, “Hmmm. Maybe that’s who I am?”

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: A Series of Unfortunate Events (in Prague)

I’ve been reading a lot of personal essays on blogs lately, so I thought I’d try my hand at it. First up: my true-life story about why Prague sucks.*

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Writing Tip: On Goal-Setting

Some people say that in order to become a writer, you must write every day.

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Silver Linings

I thought it was just the US that was getting scarier and scarier. Not so, apparently.

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Writers: On Your Day Job

Confession: when I first started writing *for real*, I honestly believed I only had a year or two of left of having to work a day job. “I’ll just stick it out until I finish this book,” I thought confidently. “I can deal with this until my glamorous writing career starts.”

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How to Use Your Learning Style to Adjust Your Writing Style

What’s your learning style? Figuring that out for yourself could help you figure out what your most successful approach to writing could be. Read on for more…

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If You Cannot Be Unafraid

This week I learned: If you cannot be unafraid, be afraid and happy. Quote taken from this beautiful book. It’s so simple, and goes along with what I want for my life, which is to worry less, be in the moment more, and yet it’s something I’ve never seen articulated so well until now. I’m […]

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Raven King

I finished this! He was a book, and he was holding his final pages, and he wanted to get to the end to find out how it went, and he didn’t want it to be over. Here is what I thought. There were a lot of beautiful things in this novel, as there were in […]

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Why Do You Read and/or Write Fiction?

Sometimes I get asked why I primarily read and write fiction, as opposed to nonfiction.

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What Authors’ Books Will You Always Pick Up?

All this news about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has got me thinking…

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