Things Making Me Think

Hi Friday, and more importantly, hi warm weather + weekend with absolutely no plans! I’m looking forward to getting some writing done on my deck. How about you? Here are some things making me think this week: YAS. “That’s exactly what the terrorists want, so absolutely not.” Preach. Agree with most of these, though I’d also add […]

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My Drug of Choice

Yesterday I was sitting on a stalled path train …

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Things To Do When Your Muse Is Ignoring You

Other than stare at your feet Happy Monday, writers and readers! You know those writing days when your writing is flowing like a magical waterfall out of your fingertips and onto the page and you’re practically crying with joy at the brilliance that is you?

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Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday! How was your week?

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: (Attempt to) Speak the Language

   When I tell people I lived in France, a frequent question I get is…

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When To Open Your Story Up To Critique

As always, writing advice is subjective;  do what works for you. But early on in my writing endeavors, I read a book that changed the way I thought about drafting and receiving critical feedback on my work, so I wanted to share my method…

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Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday!

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Boy Most Likely To

I recently read the sequel to this book, and…

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What Part Are You Good At?

I have an important question to ask you writers on this rainy (if you’re in the tri-state area) Monday… What part are you good at?

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How Many Unfinished Novels Do You Have?

This past weekend, I hit a wall with my current novel-in-progress. I’m not sure what it is, only that I lost the love of writing it. This has happened to me before. And I knew I had two choices.

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