A Magician or a Workman?

I came across this article yesterday. It’s brilliant. Read it, then return to me.

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“Why Is Every Book You Recommend Sad?”

A friend recently asked me this and it got me thinking. Do I really only like sad books?

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On Travel Nostalgia

“Let’s never come here again because it will never be as much fun.” —Lost in Translation I’ve mentioned before that I lived in Normandy for a year after college, teaching English. This was before I met my other half, and as it was such a big part of my life, he’s heard me expound on […]

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Friday Things

This felt like the longest week ever. The day job monster was trying to get me down. But I persevered in preserving my writing time, and I hope you did too! Here are three things that helped me through my week:

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Madrid

Madrid was a city that really surprised me. I’d already been to Barcelona, and didn’t think anything could top the amazing weekend I had there. I was wrong!

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Friday Things

Happy Friday! It’s been a long, frigid week filled with high highs and low lows. We’re in the doldrums of the year: short, cold days, no (real) holidays to look forward to, nothing to break up the monotony of the season. The older I get though, the more I’m learning to appreciate this time of […]

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Good Reads Lately

The newspaper isn’t one of them January is a great month for reading. (Then again, what month isn’t?) If you need some recos, here are some good ones I’ve read lately:

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My Writing Space

“It starts with this: put your desk in the corner, and every time you sit down there to write, remind yourself why it isn’t in the middle of the room. Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way around.”  —Stephen King My humble writing spot. I’d love to see photos of yours!

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Writing Inspiration: Quotes

As a writer, I’m constantly asked: “Where do you get your ideas?”

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Mortal Instruments

So I’ve finally finished The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. (I say finally, but really it took me less than 2 months, with a couple other books in between. That’s not bad for six 500+ page books). The Mortal Instruments is modern urban YA fantasy, about a teenage girl who discovers she’s actually a demon […]

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