Friday Things

As everyone else bitches about the cold, I’m really trying to savor winter, despite the fact I don’t live in a place as lovely as this. Staying in and writing, drinking hot toddies, bundling up in scarves, watching snow fall–is anyone else with me? Here are some things that made my week: 1. This chart of […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Dreaming of St. John

Confession: I like winter. I really do.

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Novel Interruptus

It’s time to talk about Novel Interruptus. I found this ingenious term on another writing blog and now I can’t remember which one, so if you know, please tell me so I can give the author credit.

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Friday Things

Happy Friday! 1. I’ve already posted about the deliciousness that is sage tea, but I’ve now found something that makes it even better: raw honey! If you haven’t tried it, you should: it’s healthier and more delicious than regular honey. (Downside: it’s a lot pricier!) 2. I made this soup last night and it’s AMAZING. […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Key West

I’m a big proponent of international travel, but in the past couple of years I’ve been learning that there’s a ton to see and do right here in the US.

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My Books of 2014

These are all the new books I read last year!

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For the New Year

“It’s so arbitrary,” my cousin said on New Year’s Eve. “This is just another day. We might as well wish each other a happy March 3rd every year.”

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Closing Lines from my favorite novels

I did a post on the opening lines from my favorite novels; here, a post on those same novels’ closing lines (along with this lovely photo I found here). See how many you can guess!

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What do you give up for your writing?

“Regardless of what the advertising campaigns may tell us, we can’t have it all. Sacrifice is not an option, or an anachronism; it’s a fact of life. We all cut off our own limbs to burn on some altar. The crucial thing is to choose an altar that’s worth it and a limb you can […]

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Friday things

So I promised this blog would be about writing, reading, and traveling and I haven’t done a post on any of those things in a very long time. I’m sorry! All I can say is that I’ve been too busy writing, reading, and traveling to post about them. But I’m going to do better. I […]

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