On Grief

Grandma died two Fridays ago. Last week we had the wake and the funeral. And now we are back to ordinary life. Without her.

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On Opening Lines (from MY favorite books)

I love those posts where you have to guess the opening lines of classic novels. I’m usually pretty good at it, despite the fact that I’m actually not a huge classics person.

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Friday Things

Happy Halloween! It’s been awhile since I’ve gone out on this sacred holiday, but tonight I’m dressing up, going out with friends, and partying like it’s 2008. I am predicting I will start out excited, and then as the night wears on I will start to feel old, come to face the inevitable truth that my […]

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The Marks We Leave Are Too Often Scars

This is something that’s been on my mind for awhile now.

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Friday Things

Confession: I really love lifestyle blogs. Like this one and this one and this one. I’ve always wanted one, but I am so not that girl–the one with the perfect outfit and the perfect hair and the perfectly curated apartment. I will never make the time to learn how to give myself a perfectly braided bun or […]

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MK’s Book Reviews: Anna and the French Kiss

Finally got around to reading the book I’ve seen all over the internets lately (I follow a lot of young adult-minded people, most of whom are probably actual teenagers, mostly on Tumblr.)

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MK’s Book Reviews: We Were Liars

God. This book.

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Good Books (as of late)

I get asked for book recommendations a lot. Mostly because I read like a fiend. (And maybe because I have decent taste.) My goal with this blog was to post glowing reviews after every wonderful book I read. But I read fast, and I review more slowly. So here is a super-abbreviated version of reviews […]

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On Becoming an Expat

Welcome to your beautiful new home! You know no one. Enjoy.

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MK’s Book Reviews: Love Letters to the Dead

I loved this book. You should read it.

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