On Themes

I’m nearly done with The Secret Place. It’s one of those books that you want to rush through and savor at the same time. Rush through, because you just want to know what happens, savor because Tana French is just such a beautiful writer and her book worlds are so well-drawn and heartbreaking you don’t want […]

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Zen Pencils

The other night I was talking to a friend of mine about wanting to quit my corporate job and write full time. It’s a wish I’ve had for years, that always ends with me talking myself out of it, because of money, stability, grass-is-greener syndrome, etc. So he sent me this. It really struck home. I […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Berlin

Berlin is one of my favorite cities in the world. Why haven’t I written about it until now? Mainly because I don’t have many great photos from my time there.

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On Priorities

I’ve been feeling incredibly overwhelmed lately. I think it’s something any writer-with-a-day-job can relate to. Or really anyone with a side passion. Anyone raising a child. Anyone who’s working towards something that they don’t currently have. So basically, everyone.

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Feeling Nostalgic

Today I’m missing Saint-Lô. Most of all, I miss those autumn afternoons where I had nothing to do but take long walks out into the countryside on the Route Du Candol, with no one but the cows for company. I thought I was doing nothing but wandering, but really I was percolating; these long walks inspired the […]

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Book Review: The Interestings

They all seduced one another with greatness, or with the assumption of eventual greatness. Greatness-in-waiting. It’s going to be hard to put my love for this novel into words (and putting things into words is something I supposedly do well…)

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11 Travel Tips for Couples from 4 Travel Bloggers

Super helpful list of travel tips for couples (and not just the ones I contributed!)

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The Secret Place

This just arrived and I CANNOT BE MORE EXCITED. Won’t be getting much more done this week!

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You Might Not Be A Writer (And That’s Okay)

I’ve never known how to say this without sounding like a snob. This post sums up my thoughts so well.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Lake George

It’s almost September. The end of the summer is always a weird time, even after you’re out of school. And is it just me or do the summers go by faster and faster the older you get?

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