On Learning Through Fiction

There have been a good amount of conversations around depression and suicide circling the internet in the past few weeks, and for good reason …

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On Finding Spoonfuls of Sugar

“In every job that must be done There is an element of fun You find the fun and snap! The job’s a game…”

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On the Importance of Living

Regrets: I have a few…

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More Praise for the Day Job

I’ve written about day-jobbing before (here, here, here, and here, among other places) but this morning I came across something else worth sharing…

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In my ideal life

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A Story I Can’t Stop Thinking About

I’d heard people talking about the 2017 filmĀ Call Me By Your Name, obviously, but I didn’t get around to seeing it until, funnily enough, flying home from San Francisco yesterday. Did it live up to the hype?

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An Important Thing for Creativity (and Life)

For the first time in what feels like months, I…

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3 Great Books

I’m on a “great book” streak, so I just wanted to share three recent reads I very much enjoyed…

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“Why do you keep writing when you haven’t seen any success?”

… is a question I occasionally get asked. My answer is a relatively simple one.

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The 13 Steps to Starting a New Novel

Step 1: The Muse graces you with a Shiny New Idea! Step 2: You frantically tap out the idea on the Notes section of your phone. (This often happens in bed, in the shower, at a social function, or walking down the street. The Muse cares not at all about inconveniencing you.) Step 3: Life, Responsibilities, and […]

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