To March?

Are you attending one of the many women’s marches on Saturday?

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How Do You Afford Your Books?

A friend asked me a question not too long ago…

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Writing Tips: A Round-Up

Did you ever start writing a blog post only to realize you’d already written it?

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MK’s Book Reviews: Station Eleven

Remember when I stated that in all of 2016, I didn’t read a book that ended up on my favorites ever list?

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New Year, New Resolutions (Writerly and Otherwise)

I actually love New Years’ Resolution posts. (So long as they are not insane, such as “I’m not drinking wine anymore” *shudder*). So here are mine…

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My Year in Books: 2016

I was woefully inadequate when it came to reading this year! I only read …

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MK’s Book Reviews: Outlander

I read this book you may have heard of and…

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On Traveling Alone

Time for another travel essay. Today’s topic: that time I decided to travel alone. 

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On Reality in Fiction

A funny thing happened in a writing class not too long ago, and I wanted to share…

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Take a Break

After NaNo, I was exhausted, and also a little lost in the forest that was my WIP…

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