Writing Tip: Read in Your Genre

So I’m in the process of writing my first YA fantasy novel, and something recently occurred to me…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Home

This week I’m headed to my favorite place on earth: HOME to my parents’ house on the Jersey Shore.

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MK’s Book Reviews: Carry On

Confession: I’ve been an obnoxiously slow reader lately. Life has been getting in the way. But last night, I finally finished this book…

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Learning From the Masters: World-Building

Time for another post on how to world build when writing a fantasy novel! (First post available here)

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Don’t Stop Traveling

So I’ve been thinking about this a lot since the horrible but all too common events in Paris on Friday…

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On Audiobooks

Last week I drove solo from Jersey City to Raleigh, North Carolina. I stopped in DC for a few days on my way there, but on the way back I drove straight through, so I decided I’d try out an audiobook for the very first time ever…

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Writing Tip: What Your First Draft Should Look Like

I’m currently in the process of first-drafting a new manuscript, something I haven’t done in over a year. And I’m quickly remembering all the fun that can be had with first drafts–and also, all the challenges…

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Friday Things

It’s been a challenging week, to say the least.

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Learning from the Masters: On World-Building

So I’m attempting to write a fantasy novel for the first time ever. Writing in this genre has its pros and cons. Pros: I get to make up the entire world I’m writing about! Cons: I have to make up the entire world I’m writing about…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: DC

I’m back! I had a lovely week off driving up and down the east coast of the USA. One of my stops: Washington, DC, where, it being my fourth or fifth time there, I did more than the usual touristy things. I thought I’d share some new things to do in our nation’s capital, particularly […]

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