Feeling wanderlusty

Jesus Christ, I miss traveling.

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On Secondary Characters

I’m an obsessive reader. I’d rather go without food than without books (for a little while at least). I’ve  just recently decided to break into the NA category. While I have positive and negative things to say about all of the books I read, there was something that stood out in nearly all of them that […]

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What’s in a name?

After all, that which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. No offense to Juliet, but I think names are important. When I start writing a story and need to name my characters, one of two things happens:

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Writing versus Blogging—The Epic Struggle

So when I started this blog I was actually thinking I’d be posting to it more often. All the ideas! Can’t keep up!

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Hearing the People Sing

I saw Les Misérables on Broadway on Saturday. It was my favorite play growing up and I hadn’t seen it in about ten years. I’m happy to report it’s still amazing (in case you were wondering).

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MK’s Book Reviews: Cutting for Stone

I almost stopped reading this book. I’m so glad I didn’t.

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MK’s Book Reviews

In addition to talking about writing in this space, I’m going to talk about reading. Because you really can’t have one without the other.

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“I like paintings that make me long to walk into them.”

“I like paintings that make me long to walk into them.” – Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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What happens if you throw a party and no one comes?

party for one Or start a writing blog that no one reads? Best case scenario, you’ve written down a lot of good writing advice for your future self. Worst case scenario … is pretty much the same thing. I can deal with that. I believe that all advice is autobiographical. And with all the thoughts […]

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