On Learning How to Do the Thing by Doing the Thing

I’ve been thinking a lot about process lately. The writing process, specifically, but process overall as well…

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Why I Read and Write YA Lit

There are a lot of reasons, actually, but the main one is…

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“There are so many things I want to do, but I end up doing not much.”

This is a quote from arguably my favorite movie, and one that has always resonated with me. Why?

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“That’s not where my interests lie.”

I’ve been thinking a lot about this phrase lately…

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On Bite-Sized Writing

So I’ve been reading a lot of this guy lately…

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How was your January?

How was your month?

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New Goals for a New Year

Happy New Year!

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The Common Threads Running Through Our Stories

What common threads run through your fiction?

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Recent Reads: The New and Notable

I have been super negligent on the book reviews lately…

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What To Do when You Feel Like a Failure

I haven’t been feeling great about myself lately…

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