The Return of My Sanity

Hello, I’m back! And I hope to stay around for the foreseeable future, because …

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On Not Measuring Progress with Word Count

I’m flying in the face of the writing community today, but…

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On Not “Peaking”

Have you ever heard the phrase, “She peaked in high school?” I really hate when people say stuff like that. Not because I think of myself as “peaking” in high school–look at any photo of me as a teen and that will be abundantly clear–but because it gets me thinking about the whole concept of […]

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What To Do When You Have Writing Schizophrenia

I finished the (hopefully near final) draft of my second novel last week, and an interesting thing has been happening to me since then…

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How Do You Organize Your Life?

Because keeping on top of things is hard, especially when you are trying to do all the things…

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What Are You Reading This Summer?

My summer reading list so far has been…

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What Do You Do When You’re In a Reading Rut?

I have a problem…

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4 Little Problem Solvers

I wanted to share some tiny tidbits that have recently improved my life in the the hopes that you may read them, take them into consideration, and just perhaps, find a way to improve your life with them as well…

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How To Write Characters You Hate

Some writerly musings this Monday…

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On Money

Some thoughts I wanted to share this Friday…

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