Guest Post Alert!

I’m excited to be featured on one of my favorite writing blogs today! Head on over to Writability to see my post on why working with the right critique partners is so important! Image found somewhere on here

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How To Be A Good Critique Partner

So now that we’ve covered why you need to be a good critique partner, here are some tips on how to do that…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Normandy in Spring

A brief break in the reading and writing content today for me to reminisce on the fact that it’s beenĀ 10 years since I left Normandy, and still, it’s rare a day will go by that I don’t think of that place and my experiences there.

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Writers: Why You Need to Learn How to Give a Good Critique

I’ve written before about where to find critique partners but I wanted to touch on something just as important…

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How To Get Writing Done on Your Lunch Break

So I’ve talked a bit about how to find time to write when you work a full-time day job…

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Why #OwnVoices Is So Important

Own Voices. If you’re not a writer or you don’t spend much time with the book community on Twitter, you may not know this term…

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On The Necessity of Flawed Characters

Some readerly/writerly musings for your Monday…

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On Comparisons

Some wisdom for your Friday…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Hating Game

Are you in the mood for the cutest book ever?

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Writers: On How To Organize Yourself When Revising

If you’ve ever revised your writing, you know how overwhelming it can seem…

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