You Might Not Be A Writer (And That’s Okay)

I’ve never known how to say this without sounding like a snob. This post sums up my thoughts so well.

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On Grass-is-Greener Syndrome

Today’s post is less on writing, more on life, but what’s one without the other?

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On Rejection and Perspective

I finished my first novel–I mean edited-down, polished-to-a-gleaming-shine, FINISHED-finished–about 3 months ago now. When I was done, I thought, FINALLY. Now my writing life can finally begin! You know nothing, self of 3 months ago…

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70th Anniversary of D-Day

I know there’s a lot going on today–Friday! TFIOS!–but I still think the best thing about today is that it’s the 70th anniversary of D-Day. An important turning point of the last indisputably “good” war America fought in, a day so many sacrifices were made.

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Where to start?

Google “writing advice”. See how many results come up. I think the reason I’ve put off blogging for so long (besides a lack of time) is the question: What can I add to this cacophony? Let’s see, shall we?

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What happens if you throw a party and no one comes?

party for one Or start a writing blog that no one reads? Best case scenario, you’ve written down a lot of good writing advice for your future self. Worst case scenario … is pretty much the same thing. I can deal with that. I believe that all advice is autobiographical. And with all the thoughts […]

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