How Are You Doing?

It’s been awhile, and the world is a bit different than it was before…

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54 Goals for 2020

Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!

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2019 Resolutions: How’d You Do?

Happy New Year’s Eve!

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New Year’s Resolutions 2019: A Mid-Year Check-In

So like I did last year, I decided to see how I’m doing with my New Year’s Resolutions halfway through the year …

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How This #WriterMom Gets It Done

In living that #writermom life, I’ve learned some things …

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How To Find Time to Write With a New Baby (Part 1)

It’s been three whole months since I had a baby, and…

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50 New Goals for the New Year

Happy 2019!

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2018 Resolutions: How Did You Do?

And how did I do?

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Musings on Motherhood

Hello, I’m back!

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19 Things I Wish People Had Told Me About Pregnancy

I have 6 weeks left (if all goes well.) Am I ready? Yes!

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