I’d had this book on my radar for some time, even though, for many reasons, suicide is not a subject I like to read about. But it was a YA phenomenon, and so, prompted by the Netflix hype, I finally read it, and…
Own Voices. If you’re not a writer or you don’t spend much time with the book community on Twitter, you may not know this term…
Are you in the mood for the cutest book ever?
What’s your process for choosing the new books you’re going to read?
Do you need a new book?
I read a beautiful, very weird book recently and I have mixed feelings…
In the midst of current events, the one thing keeping me from going totally insane is…
A friend asked me a question not too long ago…
Remember when I stated that in all of 2016, I didn’t read a book that ended up on my favorites ever list?
I was woefully inadequate when it came to reading this year! I only read …