Wanderlusty Wednesday

Having an “anywhere but here” kind of week. Moving is stressful. Time is a rare commodity. So I’ll just leave you with this photo, taken by me in Acre, Israel, in December 2005.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: South of France

Wishing you a day filled with sunshine (and sunflowers)! Photo taken by me, June 2011, somewhere on a road in France

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Big Sur

I’ve been thinking a lot about camping lately, mostly due to this post on one of my favorite blogs (the first part of which I disagree with, by the way–there is nothing wrong with camping at campgrounds), and also due to the fact that it’s coming up on that time of year–my favorite camping experiences have […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

I wish I was on a beach somewhere, anywhere, instead of in the office today. That is all. Image taken by me on a beach near Cherbourg, France, March 2007.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Patagonia

Have you been there? I’ll write a full post about it someday, because it was just an amazing experience, but for now I’ll leave you with this lovely photo that was taken just outside our hotel, on the edge of a lake in the middle of absolutely nowhere. What I wouldn’t give some days to […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: It’s a Thing

The lovely Kaitlin asked me last week if I’d mind if she also started posting “Wanderlusty Wednesday” posts, and of course I said, feel free! She has a great post about Barcelona which you should all go and read. In solidarity, I will also post my own photo of one of my favorite cities. For more […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

No time for a proper post today, just a note to say that if you’re ever on a road trip through California, be sure to stop at Hearst Castle. It’s wonderful and amazing and weird and they let you chill by the pool in the waning evening sun. Fun fact: employees of Hearst Castle actually […]

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To Be Happy

I recently came across this article. I know these kind of things are becoming somewhat cliché, but to summarize, a girl gave up a high-paying job and NYC lifestyle to move to St. John and work in the service industry (aka bartend and scoop ice cream). I always have a carousel of feelings when reading stories […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

I wish I was spending the day writing at a café in Paris. That is all. Photo taken by me, April 2007.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Saint-Malo

In honor of the fact that I’ve just started reading this book (and so far, it’s amazing), today I’m going to talk about one of my favorite little places on earth: Saint-Malo.

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