Outlining. Do you need it?
Just a quick PSA today on protagonists…
Critique partners: do you need them?
After spending five years on a manuscript that still isn’t publisher-ready, I have learned the hard way that there’s a delicate balance you need to walk when writing a compelling teenage protagonist. Here, and I’ll be as brief as possible, is what I’ve learned…
Just a quick post today on something I noticed in a recent read…
Which is easier said than done.
1. Read every piece of writing advice ever written. There could be something out there you missed! Be sure to order every book online and read every article on the internet before you sit down to write. 2. Obey every piece of writing advice ever written. It worked for them, so it must work for […]
Other than stare at your feet Happy Monday, writers and readers! You know those writing days when your writing is flowing like a magical waterfall out of your fingertips and onto the page and you’re practically crying with joy at the brilliance that is you?
As always, writing advice is subjective; do what works for you. But early on in my writing endeavors, I read a book that changed the way I thought about drafting and receiving critical feedback on my work, so I wanted to share my method…
I have an important question to ask you writers on this rainy (if you’re in the tri-state area) Monday… What part are you good at?