
Closer to The Mountain


Just a quick post to see how I moved myself closer to the mountain this week (this concept explained last week in case you missed it)…

1. My professional health

  • I met my weekly writing goal of 7,000 words, and exceeded it by 100
  • I blogged every day
  • I applied to 3 new jobs and went on an interview. I also had a revelation that maybe I’m better off staying where I am … but more on that later

2. My personal health

  • I had brunch with one friend, dinner with two more, and had a cousins’ night
  • I checked a few things off my life to-do list

3. My physical health

  • I got a massage
  • I did cardio
  • On some nights, I got enough sleep

So I did okay. But I could do more.

  • I didn’t apply to any freelance writing assignments. Perhaps I will use my day off tomorrow to do so
  • I did not find a new yoga studio
  • I did not do cardio more than once
  • I ate and drank too much
  • I did not get enough sleep every night
  • I didn’t cook, or spend a ton of one-on-one time with my boyfriend

So I really need to exercise more, watch my food/booze intake, get to bed every single night at a reasonable hour, and break into the freelance world. And find a damn yoga studio with hours that suit me.

Does anyone else do stuff like this? If so, I’d love to hear about your mountain and how you’re moving yourself closer!

Cool image found here

Posted on Monday, 18 January 2016

Filed under Blog, Life


3 responses to “Closer to The Mountain”

  1. Get a yoga cd that you could do at your home/ on your schedule! Trying to move my mountain closer by cooking meat and veggie dishes -for health- means using that slow cooker to make bigger quantities so that I can cook less (and serve leftovers to my family – to free up writing days)
    Keeping the days open (trying not to shop/hang out with friends etc during the day so that I stay true to writing and do other things at night..and so on… I can try, but sometimes you just have to clean/ cook/ and all that, so anything I can push to night, I do!

    • I’ve tried yoga and exercise DVDs/YouTube videos but I always get bored of watching the same thing over and over! Though if I don’t find a place by me soon I’m going to have to try it again 🙂

  2. ForkInPage says:

    Yes, all of the above!!

    The first part of Jan 2016 I was so on point with my caffeine and my sleep patterns, then work got busy and busy weekends happened and I see myself slipping into the same old (not so good) patterns. I’m realizing its the stress of everyday life —- but we shall keep working and striving towards small permanent healthy changes.

    Kudos to spending more time with the man and I’m okay with eating more and drinking more. 🙂

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