
Feeling Nostalgic

La Vire in Autumn III

Today I’m missing Saint-Lô. Most of all, I miss those autumn afternoons where I had nothing to do but take long walks out into the countryside on the Route Du Candol, with no one but the cows for company. I thought I was doing nothing but wandering, but really I was percolating; these long walks inspired the seeds of what would later become my first novel. Never stop wandering.

Posted on Friday, 5 September 2014

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3 responses to “Feeling Nostalgic”

  1. Chelsea says:

    wow, beautiful and congrats! Ideas, and writing and wandering-it does not get better.

  2. […] exhausted, and also hungry. Buy food before you unpack. There was a point when I first arrived in Saint-Lô that I would have sworn a Nutella crepe and glass of kir literally saved my life, or at least my […]

  3. […] mentioned before that I lived in Normandy for a year after college, teaching English. This was before I met my other half, and as it was such […]

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