
Friday Things


This week was interminable. But now it’s Friday!

Here are some things that made my week:

1. I’ve been dancing around this idea for pretty much the past five years, but I think we are finally, FINALLY ready to … leave NYC. Has anyone out there gone from borough to suburb, from subway rides to train rides, from tiny studios to actual houses? I’d love some more insights on what this will be like…

2. One of my favorite new writing tools: ambient noise sites. I personally can’t listen to music while I write–unless it’s lyric-less–but I love having something always available to block out the noise. My favorite is

3. One of my friends told me I post too many pictures of books on my Instagram. This is false, because there’s no such thing as “too many books”, but then I decided it would be fun to create a new Instagram dedicated entirely to bookishness. If you like books too, follow me here!

Reading: All The Light We Cannot See. Finally. The prose is amazing, the characters compelling, and it takes place in one of my favorite tiny cities.

Watching: The new season of Game of Thrones, obv. Watching it with very little clue of what’s going on (because it’s diverging so much from the books) is a brand new experience. I’m not sure I like it as much as watching the stories I already know. Time shall tell.

Listening to: The National. It’s mellow, spring-y stuff. Me gusta.

Have a lovely weekend!

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

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