
Friday Things

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Happy fall!

I love this time of year. I love the leaves falling and the jacket weather and the hot toddys and the sense of nostalgia and comfort this season always brings.

Here are three things that made my week:

1. I FINISHED THE SECOND DRAFT OF MY BOOK. I really didn’t think I would make it for a little while there. BUT I DID IT. Now I will set it aside and try and forget about it for at least three months.  AND IN THAT TIME I GET TO START WRITING A NEW BOOK 😀

2. A friend of mine is living the dream: quitting his job, buying a one-way ticket, and traveling indefinitely. Hey, jealousy! Follow his adventures here!

3.  This Tumblr is amazing for all of those who are in love with this current season (such as myself.)

Reading: THE GREATEST BOOK EVER. Seriously. Do you ever pick up a book and think, hmmm, this author clearly is writing directly to me? It’s about Welsh legends (which I’ve had a strange affinity for ever since reading this book as a child), prep school boys, family drama, and magic–and it’s beautifully written. I’m reading it every spare minute I have and at the same time, dreading its ending, because I am loving it so, so much. Fortunately for me it has two books which come after it 😀

Watching: Nothing, because I’ve been busy reading and writing.

Listening to: The Bouncing Souls. They’re amazing. Why has no one told me about them before?

Gorgeous photo found here

5 responses to “Friday Things”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    Okay, you know I read the books you talk about. I’ve loved them so far. Which is why it’s so hard for me to believe that you are loving The Raven Boys? Really? Maggie Stiefvater ?

    Give me a minute and let pick my jaw up off the floor. Whats even more shocking is that a ton of my friends on goodreads have given it 5 stars as well?

    Good lord. I read her The Wolves of Mercy Falls series and I wanted a refund on the hours I wasted. But jeez Louise, I’ll stop being a judgemental stick in the mud and read The Raven Boys – but I may come knocking on your door for a rant… he-he

    Congrats on the draft of your book.

    • Oh interesting! I’ve never read any of her other books before so I can’t comment on anything other than this series. To be honest, this book came out swinging, but I’m almost finished and I’m not totally loving the climax/ending. I was thinking definitely a 5-star read at first, but I may downgrade to a 4 depending on how the ending goes… perhaps you should stay tuned before buying it yourself. Are we friends on Goodreads?

  2. ForkInPage says:

    Good idea. I will stay tuned. 🙂

    I don’t think we’re friends on Goodreads, this is me

  3. […] if you follow me on Twitter or even read all my posts on this blog, you know I’ve been reading this and loving […]

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