
Friday Things


How was your week? Mine was interesting…

I’m living alone for the first time in my life–my boyfriend’s at a temp gig a couple of states away–and there’s something living in the walls of my new apartment. Mice? Ghosts? Either way, I’m not enjoying it, and am off to search for a furry companion, preferably of the feline variety, as soon as I have a spare moment to do so.

I’ve also had some shifting responsibilities at work which will be put into motion next week. Change, more responsibility, etc. are all good things to have in your career, but I worry this will mean longer hours, and therefore less time to read and write. Which is not a good thing in my world. Time shall tell.

At least it’s October. The leaves are falling, the temperature is perfect, my birthday is coming up, and I get to wear boots again 🙂

Here are three things that made my week:

1. So I’ve barely been on vacation at all this year, except for a long weekend in St. John back in March, which is just unfathomable for me. Even worse, Facebook keeps reminding me of all the cool places I was in Octobers past (Costa Rica, Belgium, Amsterdam, Key West). My boyfriend and I just moved to a new apartment, and I was actually considering skipping vacation this year because we have a higher rent to pay, new furniture to buy, etc. But then I remembered this–and last night we booked a flight to Paris in December. I’ve been there dozens of times, him only once for two days, so I look forward to showing him all the sides of Paris that I love.

2. Something I struggle with regularly: are your characters too passive?

3. Fall foliage map, if you’re planning a road trip!

Reading: I’m on to Book 3 of the Raven Cycles, Blue Lily, Lily Blue. I cannot stop reading these books, even though so far they’ve asked far, far more questions than they’ve answered. And I just found out there’s a fourth book–that’s not out til February! Had I known that I may have waited. I expect this book will end on a cliffhanger as the other two did and then I will be so annoyed/excited until I can get my hands on the next one.

Watching: Being home alone at night is disconcerting–it’s so quiet–so I have actually had the TV/iPad on this week as I cook, clean, etc. I’ve decided to give this show another try, and I have to say, it’s sucking me in now. I will keep watching.

Listening to: More Gaslight Anthem. Perfect for fall.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

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