
Friday Things


Happy Friday!

I’m happy today because it’s Friday and because it’s prime leaf-falling season and because my boyfriend is coming home from his job in North Carolina to celebrate my turning another year older this weekend.

Here are three other things that made me happy this week:

1. On writing diverse topics (such as writing and wanderlust) on one blog.

2. Things to check off your pre-writing list before diving into a new work.

3. Turning grandma’s hobby into a business–and bringing much-needed Western money to a small town.

Reading: I just finish the third Raven Cycle book and oh my God, holy book hangover. My hesitations are totally gone; I adore this series, I adore these characters, I adore the writing and I am counting the days until the fourth one comes out. Also adding everything Maggie Stiefvater to my TBR stack.

Watching: Speaking of things I wasn’t sure about at first but am now hooked on, I’m now obsessed with this show. Side note: living alone makes me watch more TV. Like I need the voices in the house at night to feel less lonely. I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad thing.

Listening to: more Gaslight Anthem Pandora. It’s perfect for this time of year.

Photo by max fuchs on Unsplash

One response to “Friday Things”

  1. […] To: The same thing as I was last week. I think I’ll be listening to it for the rest of […]

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