
Friday Things


Happy Friday!

I am happy today because after cancelling our trip to Grenada, we ended up booking a last-minute flight to Florida to visit my lifelong best friend and her family. She just gave birth to her fifth child, so it’s going to be a long weekend spent catching up and playing with lots of small people. And strangely enough, her kids are some of the few I know that actually make me look forward to having my own (but not anytime soon). They’re just really cool small people.

Some other cool things from around the internets this week:

1. People who procrastinate are more creative. As are people who sleep late. My “bad habits”, justified 🙂

2. I found a really great new blog to follow (though it’s been around a while, which always makes me wonder what other great things are out there on the internets that I’m missing). This post about the daily habits of writers and other creatives really hit home for me, as making enough time to write is something I’ve been struggling with lately.

3. I love this idea, and will be shopping here exclusively from now on. (In theory.)

4. Finally, what to do when you’re having a bad day 🙂

Reading: On the final installment of this trilogy, which began with this book. Still liking it, but I’m hoping that in this book, the heroine attends far fewer meetings than in the second book. Meetings are the worst things in the world. I deal with them daily at work and really don’t need them cropping up in my YA fantasy.

Writing: My YA fantasy. I finally got to the exciting parts, so the writing’s coming much more easily 🙂

Watching: I need something new. Any recommendations?

Listening to: Recently discovered these guys–they’re different and kind of awesome.

Cooking: New category! I actually love to cook. Pouring a glass of wine, putting on Netflix, and making a giant mess in the kitchen for my boyfriend to clean up later is one of my favorite things to do. It’s the one time when my brain’s not mentally responding to an email or trying to figure out some plot problems or worrying that I still haven’t found the perfect armchair for my apartment. This week I made this and it was amazing, though next time I think I’ll try just baking the cauliflower and cheese alone then dipping it in the tomato sauce so it doesn’t get soggy.

How was your week??

Photo by Valeriia Miller on Unsplash

Posted on Friday, 5 February 2016

Filed under Blog, Life

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2 responses to “Friday Things”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    I love Modern Mrs Darcy!!! Love love love!!

    Why is everyone always eating Cauliflower?
    I love cooking too, and you’re right its probably the only time my brain is focused 100% on the task at hand.

    Enjoy the time with the little people. 🙂

    This weekend; we are going to Saturday school, cooking and having a family movie night.
    Nothing more – nothing less.

    • Haha, I love cauliflower! I love sauteeing it in oil with garlic, I love it on pizza, I love it raw and dipped in hummus… but I understand it’s not everyone’s fave. When I told my boyfriend I was making cauliflower parmesan for dinner, the look on his face was priceless. BUT he devoured his meal and asked for seconds 🙂

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