
Friday Things


This felt like the longest week ever. The day job monster was trying to get me down. But I persevered in preserving my writing time, and I hope you did too!

Here are three things that helped me through my week:

1. Are you a Whedonverse fan? If you say no, I can only assume you haven’t yet seen any of his amazing TV shows. I just started watching Firefly on Netflix. As is everything Whedon, it’s amazing. I think I held off so long because it’s his last TV show I haven’t watched and I wanted to savor it. Joss, if you’re reading this, make more TV shows, please! But until then, at least the Whedonverse is alive and thriving on the internet. For your enjoyment: a definitive ranking of all of Willow’s sweaters.

2. I’m thinking of going back to France this year. I haven’t been since 2012 (a record for me!) This list of 10 things not to do in Paris is pretty comprehensive. I’ll make my own list someday 🙂

3. Have you heard of Medium? I first read about it here, and since then I feel like so many interesting blog posts I click on lead me back to that site. I’ve started my own blog over there (because I’m not on enough social media platforms). If you’re on Medium too, let’s be friends!

Have a great weekend!

Above photo by me! Segovia, Spain, October 2006

Posted on Friday, 13 February 2015

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